
Welcome to my blog

This is where I post various musings about wildlife and ecology, observations of interesting species (often invertebrates)
and bits of research that grab my attention. As well as blogging, I undertake professional ecological & wildlife surveys
covering invertebrates, plants, birds, reptiles, amphibians and some mammals, plus habitat assessment and management
. I don't work on planning applications/for developers. The pages on the right will tell you more about my work,
main interests and key projects, and you can follow my academic work here.

Friday 31 May 2013

Hey hey, it's the end of May

After a long, cold spring, I've been watching all kinds of habitats and species wake up and get 2013 moving, including our garden pond. To celebrate this, I'm going with a non-technical post today, just enjoying what can be seen with a bit of careful design and construction, and a bit of patience in a small-to-medium urban back garden...

A portrait of the hoverfly Heliophilus pendulus basking on a pond plant
A small hoverfly (I haven't identified it yet) feeding on a buttercup (Rancunculus repens) by the pond edge.
A smooth newt gulping air.
Nymph of large red damselfly.
And that's it for me today - enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the wildlife and happy ecology! Back with something more technical in a few days...

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